Friday 11 November 2011


How's your progress for the Assignment 1 on Flash?

Just a quick glance of what need to be done:

1. Need to submit no later than Nov 15, 2011...
2. Each one of the group member need to do the reflection inside the blog, and comments on others blog too (on the project) and this will carry some marks...
3. What to reflect: The step by step involves in developing the Flash project, the story behind it, difficulties face and your feelings/emotions towards completing the task...and other things that worth to share, ok...



1. Nur Aminah Rahimsa...
2. Nurul Farhana Junus...
3. Syazwani Sidek...

Please give me your blog url ok...
nanti kawan2 yang lain nak komen project anda, ni akan membawa markah ok...
Thank you...

The Result of Mock-Up Test

Salam and Hello everyone...

Well, the results are in...Check out what you've got for the mock-up test...
For those who did score full mark, keep up the good grade...and for those who didn't, better luck next time ok...

Score (10)
Abdul Murad Abd Hamid
Cik Ku Rohaya Che Ku Ali
Farhana Fauzi
Faridanura Abdullah
Fatemeh Moradi
Hazwani Mohd Dah
Ismanor Fahmi Ismail
Lee Zune Pet
Mohd Azaki Mohd Kadis
Norashikhin Abd Jamil
Norsyakira Mohd Shah
Norzie Khamis
Nur Aminah Rahimsa
Nurul Farhana Junus
Rafidah Haji Rahmat
Syazwani Sidek

Some Analysis:

1. Read the questions carefully, and make sure you have answered all the questions before you hand in the
    answer sheets...some of you lose marks easily due to this factor...

2. For question 2: Make sure when you import the series of images, import them to the stage NOT to the
    library...and you should drag the movie clip symbol of rabbit to the stage not the bitmap one ok...

3. And the most important is DIVIDE AN EQUAL TIME for each questions... don't spend too much time in
    answering 1 have another questions waiting to be answered...

I will post the answer scheme later, ok...

Monday 17 October 2011


Salam and Hello to everyone,

First of all, it's been awhile for me not posting any entry...why? because my motherboard just crushed (that explained a lot about the sudden shutdown when i'm in the middle of doing my work, argghh) and i was having problem installing Flash CS3 in my sister's notebook (another argghh)...but everything is fine now...thanks to Him...hrmmm...

Well, last 2 week, Dr Zaidatun gave u guys homework regarding the Basic of Actionscript...and to my surprised and Dr too, u guys did seems like you guys are good at self learning and like to explore new things without spoon fed by Dr...

and last week u guys helped each other in completing the homework...and it's good to see when some of the students appraised their group members when they're finally able to do the homework...

and last week too, again Dr gave u homework about 'Multiple Choice Question' and 'Text Entry Question' activities...but, i do not see (up to this moment) any post regarding these 2 activities in your blog...why? are you having problem in doing it? or still looking for an idea? or busy with another assignment? or just save the post as a draft and not publishing it yet, or or or what? hahaha, i have just come out with too many assumptions on that....forgive me for that ok...haha...

Like Rafi, she said she's having problem in doing the MCQ and Text Entry activities. This is what she said:

Sekarang ni tengah buat MCQ's dengan text entry question.. bahagian text entry tu kenapa ntah die xdapat nak detect variable respon..patutnya letak jawapan betul keluarla respon correct.. tapi tetap gak die keluar incorrect.. xpaham kenapa die xjadik.check script betul dah..nape ek :(

Ha, anyone can help her in diagnose the problem?why it happened that way?

If you want to help her, what will be your first question to her?

If i am in your shoe, i would say, ok Rafi now please explain step by step on how you do the activity...and don't miss any that i might know the problem....will you?

and let us just see how far you can help each other in solving the problem...


People, Norzie had just solved the problem regarding the case sensitive on Actionscript yesterday night...previously, u guys only manage to key in lowercase letter...Now, with her help, u can have various style of answers...either UPPERCASE, lowercase, Sentence case, Capitalize Each Word or tOOGLE cASE...

Not forgotten, Ashikhin also manage to do it, but on her own way, because she is very good in programming, not like me...hehe...i admit that one...i don't like it at all...

Now, what are you waiting for? Don't just stare at my blog...go visit their blogs...sure worth to pay a visit there...

Thank you to you both...I LOVE THIS to see the efforts that u guys have made...

Sunday 2 October 2011

Cut-Out Animation

For the Cut-Out Animation, again i would like to share the problem encountered by Syakira...

But before that, this is my design, very simple one...i just wanna show how the rabbit kinda spinning after slipped on banana peel...

no need for you to add more keyframe and change the position of the rabbit...u can simply change the Rotate to CCW and set 3 as times for rabbit to rotate

easy pizzy right...


 Enough of that, back to Syakira problem...This is what she asks...

Macam mana nak buat Bunny tu pusing nampak realistik sikit? saya tak reti...mintak tunjuk ajar...TQ...

Click HERE to see her design...

So. in order to answer her question i made this one myself...hehe...

I know i know very simple one...but i want you guys to think and consider about these 2 things...

Is it the setting of the keyframe OR the rabbit picture that kinda flat which actually contribute to the problem?

Below is the keyframe setting for my design...


Think about this ok...and share your thoughts here ok...